Mirsky & Associates Executive Function Coaching provides coaching and support services for students, families and school-based personnel who are working to understand and overcome EF and attentional issues in the classroom and beyond.
Mirsky & Associates Executive Function Coaching provides coaching and support services for students, families and school-based personnel who are working to understand and overcome EF and attentional issues in the classroom and beyond.
Erratic grades/academic performance without a clear cause
Strained relationships with teacher/school/family based on school performance
Student-athlete that struggles in-season with time management or out-of-season with lack of structure.
Teacher/report card comments that identify one or more of the following student issues:
Work ethic
Work output that does not match potential/ability
Impulse control
Low work completion or turn-in rate
Problems seeing the big picture or thinking strategically
Prioritization of tasks
Difficulty keeping track of assignments
Initiation of tasks (either in or out of classroom/school)
Existing IEP/504 plan
Recommendation from school or doctor to seek evaluation for ADHD or other cognitive condition
Existing professional evaluation that mentions Executive Functioning, Metacognition, ADD, ADHD or other processing disorders.
Recommendations from teachers/administrators to work with school’s Learning Specialist
Family desire to supplement support offerings from school with something more robust, personalized and targeted.
Child’s desire to supplement therapeutic work with specific strategies that have clear real-world applications and can lead to tangible results in school and beyond.